Lockport township high school infinite campus
Lockport township high school infinite campus

Annually, the district spends between $500,000 to $1 million on upkeep for central campus, he said. “That’s a huge amount of space that really nobody’s in for most of the day.”Ĭentral Campus, which opened in November 1909, is the district’s freshman campus, and every few years it becomes the center of community debate on whether to build a school or renovate the building. “You are standing in the absolutely most unused space in this building,” McBride said. The cafeteria, below the theater, is used during three periods during the day, he said. The auditorium is used for a band practice one period a day and occasionally faculty meetings will be held there, McBride said.

lockport township high school infinite campus lockport township high school infinite campus

Standing on the stage at the Central Campus auditorium, Lockport High School District 205 Superintendent Robert McBride said there are three stories of space above and three stories of space below the auditorium.

Lockport township high school infinite campus